Deputy Head of Rosstandart Boris Potemkin spoke about the prospects for developing standards at the first meeting of the Commission for Standardization, Metrology and Conformity Assessment of the Council for Professional Qualifications in Mechanical Engineering.
“Today, the development of professional standards requires the consolidation of the efforts of experts from the state, industry and science. For 2019-2022, the Commission plans to develop 10 professional standards in the area of Rosstandard’s activities. Their widespread implementation will require us to continuously monitor the labor market in order to update standards in a rapidly changing industry,” the deputy head of the department said.
The Commission began work after the conclusion of a cooperation agreement between the Rosstandart and the Council on Vocational Qualifications in Mechanical Engineering in February of this year. The main areas of its activity are the development, updating and organization of application of professional standards in the field of technical regulation, standardization and metrology in mechanical engineering, monitoring of the labor market for the need for new qualifications, participation in the organization of activities for the accreditation of educational programs.
The first meeting of the Commission was attended by the heads and representatives of Rostest-Moscow, STANDARTINFORM, VNIIMS, VNIIOFI, VNIIM Mendeleev, Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification, State Corporation Rostec, Russian Engineering Union, centers of standardization, metrology and testing of Rosstandart in Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov , Kemerovo areas and others.
The key topics were the development and updating of professional standards, as well as the interaction of industry and government, business and experts for the formation of modern documents for employers and universities.
Today in Russia there are more than 1,200 professional standards, and of these, only 3 documents are in the area of Rosstandard’s activity. These are standards 40.105 “Specialist in standardization of innovative products of the nano industry”, 40.060 “Specialist in product certification” and 40.012 “Specialist in metrology”.
The Commission plans to develop cooperation with the Federal Teaching and Methodological Association for the enlarged group of specialities and areas of training 27.00.00 “Management in technical systems” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. FUMO is responsible for the development of federal educational standards on the basis of vocational standards in the field of Rosstandart.
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