Testing&Control-2025: interest to participate in the exhibition is growing


International Exhibition Company ‘MVK’ records high activity of participants of the forthcoming Testing&Control exhibition - two thirds of the exhibition area have already been booked.

Testing&Control-2025: interest to participate in the exhibition is growing
Most of the companies that have already reserved a stand are participants of Testing&Control-2024. Among them are 3DVision, Erstvak, Labortec, Laser Components, Exiton Analytic, Mashpriborintorg-Volna, Mertis, Neva Technology, Newtons, Novotex Systems, Planar, Synercon and many others.
A wide range of equipment meeting modern challenges was presented at the last exhibition. Exiton Analytic demonstrated Iranian-made instruments, including a Csan brand optical emission spectrometer equipped with a nitrogen detector, which is relevant for the metallurgical industry.
At Testing&Control-2024, Reom presented not only climate chambers, but also a new product – a smart storage system for assembly plants.
Exiton Test demonstrated its capabilities in the field of service maintenance of testing equipment manufactured in countries that have left the Russian market.
Ostek presented not only foreign-made laboratory equipment, but also its own developments designed to solve the problem of import substitution.

In 2024 Testing&Control exhibition was visited by more than 6,000 specialists: representatives of industrial enterprises, including those from the aviation, machine-building, instrumentation sectors, research institutions and other organisations interested in the acquisition and application of testing and measuring equipment.
The greatest interest of visitors to the exhibition, according to the 2024 survey, was in measuring equipment (75%). Mechanical testing equipment was important to 47% of trade show visitors.
Categories such as equipment for non-destructive testing, metrology equipment, equipment for production control and diagnostics, and climatic testing were of interest to 38% of visitors. Every third specialist who visited the exhibition was interested in analytical equipment and automatic control systems.

In 2025, the International Exhibition of Testing&Control will be held on 21-23 October in Crocus Expo, Moscow.

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