08 November 2024 News Akmetron took part in Testing&Control exhibition, which took place on 22-24 October in Crocus Expo. New products were presented at the stand: Vibration testing system up to 11 kN; Automatic soldering station; A line of measuring equipment from the Russian trade mark AkmeTech: - spectrum and signal analysers (up to 110 GHz); - signal generators and circuit analysers (up to 110 GHz); - portable microwave analysers (up to 54 GHz); Top-of-the-range instruments from the popular Rigol brand; Measuring bench with microwave amplifier. For those who did not have time to familiarise themselves with the equipment novelties at the exhibition, Akmetron invites you to its own demo laboratory in its Moscow office. To visit it, it is necessary to pre-register with the company's engineers. Link to original source: Akmetron