Today, 22 October, the 21st International Exhibition of Testing&Control testing and measuring equipment has started its work.
More than 150 companies present the latest developments and solutions in the field of testing and measuring equipment. Exhibitors are leading manufacturers and suppliers of testing, metrological, measuring, laboratory, analytical and other industrial equipment, as well as means for non-destructive and industrial control.
⏰ Exhibition opening hours:
22 October 10:00 - 18:00
23 October 10:00 - 18:00
24 October 10:00 - 16:00
Exhibitors include: Progress - 3D Control - Akmetron - 3Logic Group - Newtons - Dipol - Intech - BIA - Terramak - Mera - Synercon - Informtest - Planar - Xena - Mashpriborintorg-Volna - Sovtest ATE - Ostek - Reom - 3DVision - 3Logic Group - Accurate - 1C: April Soft - Arstek - Dimes - ZIP-Nauchpribor - TsAGI - Infoster - Forta - Itelma - Qualitim - Lider-3D - Mig Trading - MIRP-. IS - Novotex Systems - Mertis - Spectrum - Promkonstruktsiya - Saintefik - SmtMax - Sputniks - PromArsenal - Tekknow - Melitek - Laboratory of Automated Systems - Test Partner - Suntec 2 - Inscan - Visom - Laser Components - Invave and many others.
Business programme - start of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference ‘Measurements. Testing. Control’
Today is the first day of the business programme, where experts will discuss key issues of industry development in modern conditions. The conference is supported by such significant partners as Rosstandart, Roscosmos, GosNII Ga and Roskachestvo. This emphasises the high level of the event and the relevance of the topics discussed for the industry.
The main events of the first day include:
Plenary session ‘Measurement, Testing, Control: industry development in modern conditions’ (11:00 - 13:00): discussion of current legislative initiatives, development of standards in the field of artificial intelligence, technical regulation and its impact on Russia's technological sovereignty.
Thematic session ‘Metrological support in the rocket and space industry’ (14:00 - 16:00): reports of leading experts on metrological testing in the space industry, intelligent automation of testing processes and cost reduction due to modern metrological approaches.
Testing&Control is the place where important business decisions are made and trends that are shaping the future of the industry are discussed. Don't miss the chance to visit the exhibition and participate in the key discussions.
We look forward to seeing you from 10:00 to 18:00 at Testing&Control!
Get your ticket with the promo code tcnews24.