Press release
The 19th International Exhibition for Testing and Measurement Equipment, Testing&Control, closed its doors at Crocus Expo on 27 October 2022.
The event was supported by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Roscosmos State Corporation, Autonomous Non-profit Organisation Russian Quality System, VNIIMS, NAMI.
Double the number of visitors
Testing&Control 2022 was visited by 5,613 specialists representing industrial manufacturing enterprises, including aviation, machine building, instrumentation, research institutions and other organizations interested in the purchase and use of testing and measurement equipment.
Of the total number of visitors, 4,115 came to Testing&Control and NDT Russia, and 1,498 came with tickets to other exhibitions for industrial machinery, held alongside Testing&Control (Heat&Power, PCVExpo, ExpoCoating Russia, GasSuf). The number of new visitors was 69%.
Quality indicators of the Testing&Control 2022 visitors in comparison with 2021:
the number of targeted visitors increased by 144%
the number of visitors per participating company increased by 69%
the share of regional visitors increased by 160%
the proportion of top managers increased to 57%
the number of specialists influencing purchasing decisions increased by 133% and their share reached 93%
An exhibition bringing together more than 100 manufacturers and suppliers of test and measurement equipment
The exhibition was held at one of the largest and most prestigious exhibition complexes in Russia, Crocus Expo, and provided an opportunity to get acquainted with the latest testing and measuring and control developments within the five thematic sections of the exhibition: Measuring and Metrology Equipment, Testing Equipment, Analytical and Laboratory Equipment, Equipment for Non-Destructive Testing/Diagnostic and Monitoring Systems, and Equipment for Industrial Control.
This year, thanks to a joint exposition of Testing & Control and NDT Russia (International Exhibition of Equipment for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics), over 100 companies have presented testing and measuring equipment for competitive industries.
Among the exhibitors were over 20 companies who were exhibiting for the first time at Testing&Control: 3D-Integration, Ellab, SENSSET, Top 3D Group, Akmetron, Grover International, IBM Group (IMC), Master-Tool, NPO MED, NIIET, NPK Progress, Planar, NPF Progress, RevolEMC, Riftec, SKTB Koltsova, TekkNOU, NPK Electronic, Optical and Mechanical Systems, Energetika, Erstvak, and Yuzhpolymetal-Holding.
Testing&Control was once again attended by the key players on the Russian metrology equipment market: 3D Control, Dipol, Gamma, PROMARSENAL, Akmetron, Izmerikon, Priest, Riftek, PLANAR, BLM Synergy, EMT, Sovtest ATE, Suntec 2, Erstvak, TestPartner, Mashpriborintorg-Volna, EXITON TEST, Melitek, Laboratory Solutions, Gradien, Yuzhpolymetal-Holding, INTECH, Spectral Laboratory, IMC Group, i3D, Grover International, Applied Mechanics, SKTB KOLTSOVA, Rigol, SYNERCON and others.
Demonstrations of the exhibited equipment in action and consultations with technical experts at the stands contributed to the most effective solutions to the business challenges facing both the exhibiting companies and their potential customers at the exhibition.
For example, at the stand of 3D Control it was possible to see hand and optical scanners, laser trackers in action, and innovations from Chinese manufacturers - measuring arms and stationary coordinate measuring machines. "Interest in our products was so high that it was impossible to approach the stand, resulting in a huge pile of applications. I think there will be about 30 quality contacts, which is an awesome result for us. So we are more than satisfied with the exhibition," shared his impressions about Testing&Control 2022 Dmitry Pavlov, Quality Engineer at 3D Control.
Synercon, a supplier of measuring analytical equipment, this year brought to the exhibition new products from China designed for chemical analysis of metal composition. Among them was a X-ray fluorescent metal analyser, on which visitors could test their samples. "Testing&Control is one of our key exhibitions, it helps us solve the main task of the company - to find new customers. We have received about 70 target contacts during the 2 days of the exhibition. It is a good result. We will definitely take part in Testing&Control next year and recommend the exhibition to professional companies" (Anna Gavrikova, Marketing Manager of Sinercon).
"Our main goal for participating in the exhibition was to attract new leads and increase the loyalty of existing customers. Our expectations were met, so we plan to take part next year as well, presenting our products, which help our clients to meet their needs and tasks," commented Natalia Zharkova, Marketing Manager of Intech.
NIIET Company for the first time presented its own developments in the field of testing equipment, in particular the thermal shock chamber AKTU-001 and stands of SIT series for thermo-electric training and reliability testing of ECB. The visitors to the exhibition highly appreciated the novelties from NIIET JSC and made preliminary purchase requests for cameras and stands.
Testing&Control 2022 business programme
The All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference "Measurements. Tests. Control", which brought together specialists and managers of industrial enterprises-customers of testing and measuring equipment, employees of research institutes, as well as independent laboratories.
The conference included 5 sessions which covered the issues relevant to the development of metrological activity:
prospects for the development of the measurement and control sector in modern conditions
state support measures in the sphere in 2023
development and testing of software for control systems
impact factors and development trends in metrology of digital economy
impact of import substitution on the development of national standards for uniformity of measurements
and others
The speakers were: Mikhail Valerievich Letunovsky, Head of Department for Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation; Alexey Kroshkin, Head of Department, FGBU VNIIMS, Candidate of Technical Science, Corresponding Member of Russian Metrology Academy; Alexander Egorov, Head of Research "Department of Automation and Experiments", MAI, Candidate of Technical Science, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Bogoyavlensky Anatoly Aleksandrovich, Chief Metrologist of FSUE GosNII GA, Doctor of Technical Science, Corresponding Member of Metrology Academy; Dobrovolsky Vladimir, Head of Research Department of Physical, Chemical and Electrical Measurements, FSUE VNIIFTRI and others.
More than 80% of exhibitors noted the high commercial effectiveness of participation in Testing&Control 2022 and booked a stand for next year: Sovtest ATE, Suntec 2, TECKNOU, BIA, Intech, Microwave Electronics, Melitek, Priest, Synercon, Testa, Mashpriborintorg-Volna, Actor, Gradient, VNIIFTRI, PROMASH TEST and other companies. Get additional opportunities for sales development of testing and measuring equipment - take part with your stand at the 20th anniversary exhibition Testing&Control to be held on October 24-26, 2023 at the Crocus Expo!
Book a stand